Photojournalist Attacked In Ferguson, Mo Under “Black Lives Matter” Democracy

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Photojournalist Attacked In Ferguson, Mo Under “Black Lives Matter” Democracy

Democracy = Universal Equality (One step away from totalitarianism)

UPDATE: September 4, 2017

I'm not sure why a freelance journalist's story about how he was attacked by Black Lives Matter justice warriors violates Adsence policies??? Orwellian...

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Constitutional Republic = Individual Liberty (Personal freedom)

‪"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" -Animal farm

Here's your typical jag-off liberal - Telling me I can't photography, while holding a fucking video camera in his hand!
August 11, 2015: FERGUSON, MO - Here's your typical post-modern liberal - He's telling me I can't photograph, while holding a fucking video camera in his hand!

"The Republic protects the rights of the individual against the lynch-mob - it's beautiful... what a concept." -Chuck Jines

While in Ferguson, Mo this last time, I was attacked by an angry mob. Luckily, a group of white guys made a half circle around me until the cops came. The situation became seriously tense, and one black youth even displayed a gun. The police gave me a ride to my hotel, and told me that if I'm seen out on the streets, my life could be in danger.

I'm wanting to use this incident as a serious opportunity to point out EXACTLY why we do NOT have a democracy, but rather, a Republic. Democracy is when one faction gains political or military power, and then tramples the rights of others. That's what happened to me, and this is an awesome "teachable moment."


What does democracy look like? It looks like the smoldering buildings, fenced off vacant lots, and crumbling businesses down in Ferguson... That, is what democracy truly looks like.

Racism in #Ferguson - Only #BlackLivesMatter
August 11, 2015: FERGUSON, MO - Racism in #Ferguson - Only #BlackLivesMatter
Black Youth Ferguson, Mo
August 11, 2015: FERGUSON, MO - A group of young black men stand among the ruins of their neighborhood, 2015. This is how ghettos are made.
Memorial plaque dedicated to Michael Brown
August 11, 2015: FERGUSON, MO - Memorial plaque dedicated to Michael Brown on the sidewalk along Canfield Drive. Michael Brown was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, Mo police officer, after Brown had robbed a store and then physically attacked officer Wilson.

#‎Ferguson‬ These people need to get their story straight. I have the full audio of what was said. God, these people can NEVER keep a fact straight.

Derk Brown @DreadHead_46
"This journalist on the phone just called an activist the N-Word and just said he will all of us N****** arrested."

 Social Documentary photographer Chuck Jines calls the police after a Black Lives Matter "activist" displays a gun during a confrontation in Ferguson,Mo.

Social Documentary photographer Chuck Jines calls the police after a Black Lives Matter "activist" displays a gun during a confrontation in Ferguson,Mo.

Actually... the "activist" threatened my life, attempted to assault me multiple times, and then HE called ME a ni**.. And I said, "I'm not a ni****."

Then he came back with a shorty who had a gun... I never used the word when speaking to the police, nor anyone else.

I NEVER CALLED ANYONE a ni****... Now we need to talk about the "L-Word," as in, "Liar".
See the mic clipped to my shirt? I recorded everything.

Listening now. Zoom H4 is an awesome audio recorder.
Transcript from my audio. (I'll make a podcast and play in in full tomarrow)
Black Lives Matter "Activist" - "You be careful tonight."
Me - What? What's was that?
Black Lives Matter "Activist" "You be careful tonight! You heard me"
Me - Why would that be?
Black Lives Matter "Activist" Just be careful ni****.
Me "I'm not a nigger."
He then attempts to attack me...


Good show worth watching:
One year after the shooting death of Michael Brown by the hands of Police Officer Darren Wilson and the rise of the Black Lives Matter activist group, Ferguson has once again erupted in protests. With Ferguson, Missouri once again under a state of emergency, Stefan Molyneux looks at the underlying social, economic and governmental factors that have led to the escalating violence in Ferguson and the surrounding St. Louis area.

  "Where is today’s equivalent of Martin Luther King? Tragically, he doesn’t exist. And if he did, nobody would listen to him. He’d be booed off the stage as an Uncle Tom. The tragedy of race relations in America today is that nihilism and rage are a bigger draw...."

"...Michael Brown’s death last year in Ferguson, Mo., created a new martyr for the black movement in America. Never mind what really happened: to many people, black and white alike, Mr. Brown was the victim of racist policing in a racist system in which all whites are complicit. If you question this narrative, beware. You will be judged as part of the problem..." FULL ARTICLE


While only 13.2 % of the American population is black:
67% of black households are single parent. 72% of all black babies are born out of wedlock. 50% of all black kids fail to finish high school. 52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks. 45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks...
85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
79% of all robberies are committed by blacks
80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
59% of all murders are committed by blacks
49% of all murder victims are black
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
33% of all crimes are committed by blacks

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