After running into roadblocks the previous day, Teddy and I headed back to St. Peter’s first thing the following morning. We arrived right at 9:00 am. Several other people were already waiting in line, some to pick up their mail,…

Documenting the Human Experience
After running into roadblocks the previous day, Teddy and I headed back to St. Peter’s first thing the following morning. We arrived right at 9:00 am. Several other people were already waiting in line, some to pick up their mail,…
Over the years, Teddy has continually “slipped through the cracks” by somehow never managing to fully complete whatever paperwork he needs to meet even the most basic requirements for public aid – like a state ID card. Apparently, there are plenty of public…
6:51 am… We took shelter in the bus stop on the corner of Adams and Wabash just in time for a soft and steady rain to begin falling. We sat there together until the early morning hours talking about life,…
Surprisingly, there’s not a lot of infighting that actually goes so far as to get physical between the Alley Boys, but sometimes, people push too far, and tempers flare. “You need to quit playin’ with me out here on these mother-fuckin’…
“Did I ever tell you about that camera I came across in Grant Park? Eloise’s family got hold of it, bunch of dumbass country niggers from Louisiana, pulled all the film out the mother fucker before I could get it…
After more than eight months in the Cook County Jail, Teddy is back out on the streets. This is a capture of Teddy and Levi on South Clark Street gathering the resources needed to purchase an adult beverage.