You are buying more than just products. You are buying ideology…

Documenting the Human Experience
You are buying more than just products. You are buying ideology…
Is it always wrong to shoot someone for political reasons? I mean, if voting does nothing, if most of the media are on the same payroll as the politicians and the corporations, what other options are there for the common…
Patience. Frozen morning, steaming breath, small glowing coal. Patience… Good morning 🌄
Luca would like some jazzy jambalaya!
My silky smooth skin by L’Oréal. Toxic masculinity…
2:38 am… I love getting up early to make my rounds checking on our animals. The whole world belongs to me this time of day. The entire universe tips its hat as I watch the glowing Moon fade behind my…
Almost 60 and still cranking!’
2:55 am. The wind has ceased its ruthless assault. A silent calm now hovers over this desert valley. Moonlight dances upon the lightly frosted mountain tops. The stove is warming back up, the coffee is almost hot, the dogs are…