Tiny blood-soaked bodies. Smolder across the land. God and war are coming, coming hand-in-hand… God and war…
Year: 2024

Fisher Building, Chicago
343 South Dearborn Street, Fisher Building, #Chicago #streetphotography -Chuck Jines, 2010

Big Brick City
This is one of the images opening my book, Against Doctor’s Orders. I then take the reader on a journey into the underbelly of the BIG Brick City, my hometown, Chicago. This was taken from the 24th floor of the…

Images that grab you
I’m involved with a major curating project where I’m going through all my photos that I have on hard drives going all the way back to 2008. Every once in a while, a photo will leap out and grab me.…

A view down State Street
My Kind of Town. A view down State Street. This photo will be included in my upcoming book, Against Doctor’s Orders #Chicago#documentaryphotography#streetphotography

How do you choose a photo documentary project?
I was asked by a youtube subscriber if I would speak a little bit about how I choose a documentary project.

A new photo documentary project
This morning, I wrote a draft for a proposal to do a new photo documentary project. The cover page has the title of the project, name of the potential subject, and then my name with credentials. Inside contains an outline…

Sins yet to come
Why do you torment me where even in my sleep I find no relief? You pull on my soul like a phantom force. You drag me to places I want not to go. You tempt me to do things I…