Year: 2025

Off-grid tiny cabin build, March 10, 2025
I took out the small East window from the tiny cabin today. We’re going to use this cabin as a home protection dog training facility once I get our new, and much larger, cabin built. We are thankful for the…

Dear Diary: March 10, 2025 – Back to pro-blogging SEO…
I’m working on an SEO-rich blog post for our home protection dog training website. The goal of SEO is to get web pages to stick on the top of search results. I’ve always preferred this type of marketing over social…
What I’ve Learned
I learned a few things during this attack by a malicious digital Imposter. Well, I’ve had things that I’ve known all along confirmed. I’ve always known that my social media content would be terminated at some point. That’s just the…

Dear Diary – March 6, 2025
A lady in the neighborhood lost her roof during Monday’s winds. I’m going on Sunday to help put it back on. I can’t help but want to help. I’m very familiar with suffering. Why is the spring air so fresh…
The Will To Life is screaming from the four corners of existence. The dogs that fight over a bone. The blade of grass that forces it’s way through a crack in the sidewalk. The mountain that rises from the bottom…
Living Orwell
Elon Musk is the latest Emmanuel Goldstein. My telascreen tells me so…
ABUSE – How DMCA automated takedown notices violate free speech
NOTE: The malicious digital imposter is now pretending to be me and harassing Lee Robinson. Do you know how easy it is for people to impersonate someone and file copyright takedown notices to get your content removed from online platforms?…