6:51 am… Cold, Wet, and Nowhere To Go…

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6:51 am... We took shelter in the bus stop on the corner of Adams and Wabash just in time for a soft and steady rain to begin falling. We sat there together until the early morning hours talking about life, about how things were; and, about how things could have been.

"I had hopes, I had dreams, I had aspirations," said Teddy as he fumbled through his pockets looking for a cigarette butt. "It was after that first time I went to jail that things started to go wrong. I was institutionalized at that point."

The rain continued to slowly roll down the window glass of the bus depot as I walked to my car. I could see his silhouette as I walked away... his head down, shoulders slumped, cold, wet, and nowhere to go...

 Teddy standing under a staircase on the corner of Adams and Wabash - June, 2015

Teddy standing under a staircase on the corner of Adams and Wabash - June, 2015
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