CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 Paramedics remove the victim of a heroin overdose from the scene.

Heroin Kills

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When we walked onto the Green Line platform to return downtown, I noticed a man and woman in the vacant lot below. The girl was on the ground unconscious, while her boyfriend stood over her crying. That's when I noticed that this was the same girl that one of my street photography students had just giving a cigarette to, not even 30 minutes earlier. We let our train pass while we watched and photographed.

A young lady struggles for here life due to a heroin overdose as her boyfriend helplessly looks on in Chicago's Garfield Park neighborhood.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 A young lady struggles for her life due to an apparent heroin overdose as her boyfriend helplessly looks on in Chicago's Garfield Park neighborhood.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 Chicago police and paramedics stand over the victim of a heroin overdose below the Lake and Pulaski Green Line El platform.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 Chicago police and paramedics stand over the victim of an apparent heroin overdose below the Lake and Pulaski Green Line El platform.

In the end, they took her away on a stretcher, with the sheet pulled all the way over her head...

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 Paramedics remove the victim of a heroin overdose from the scene.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JULY 12, 2015 Paramedics remove the victim of an apparent heroin overdose from the scene.
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rusty kiley
rusty kiley
9 years ago

Every addict, especially H addicts, talk about emotional pain being one major reason we use. I’m a H addict and I understand that. No other drug works as well as opiates to full that pain.
Until we as a nation look at why so many people are having this emotional pain we will see addiction continue to grow. I realize all people have some emotional pain they have to deal with.
But it deems that more young people are having these pain issues which is why I think there is more of them turning to opiates.
Is it a lack of life “skills” that we aren’t getting?
I’ve spent years pondering these questions. If our society doesn’t figure this out we are doomed.
Personally I believe it’s a spiritual issue, NOT a moral issue.