Apparently, not everyone is capable of offering a truly authentic street photography experience.
Good morning Chuck.
I was in Chicago last weekend for the Out of Chicago photo conference. On one of the photo walks, someone said, "Hey, there is Chuck Jimes" followed by, "He doesn't like me, he hates my style of street photography!"
I'm sorry to report that I didn't know who you were. I wish I had, I would have thanked you for your work. I love the gritty TRUE looks of your photography. IMO that is the way street photography should be.
I was so looking forward to the photowalk I was on. I heard the leader goes into alleys. Yes, we went into alleys, but people were asked to pose. They were asked to "move into the light!" I was disappointed. I was hoping to see some of the Real Chicago.
Oh Well.
That you for your work
As I always say, if it's not candid, it isn't street photography. The shot below that I captured yesterday here in Asheville, while a candid shot, still isn't true street photography because I made contact with the subject, which now makes it a social documentary photograph.

Chuck…much as I admire much of your work, in particular your work among those ‘down and outs’ and drug addicts, I feel that your constant compartmentalising of your photography and those of others as ‘Street’..’Social Documentary’…’Photojournalism’ etc not to be at all helpful. As a mouthy/wordy person as well as a photographer I hate to simplify the blindingly obvious, but there are just two types of photograph…those that work, (be it on a multi-level deep thought mode or a Kabang-Wow way)..and those that don’t. From your recent jaunt it’s obvious that you don’t want to be boxed…so why box people and photographs?
You take such pride in your humility. 😉