ABUSE – How DMCA automated takedown notices violate free speech

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NOTE: The malicious digital imposter is now pretending to be me and harassing Lee Robinson.

Do you know how easy it is for people to impersonate someone and file copyright takedown notices to get your content removed from online platforms? Your YouTube channels, your FaceBook pages, and even your websites could easily come under attack due to the lack of security on many online platforms and web hosting services. Using a fake email, along with actual identities, someone can easily use your own content on one platform to file copyright infringement complaints on your other

platform! Upload the same video or even the same profile photo to two different platforms, and you just open the door for criminals to take down your online content. You could wake up tomorrow morning to discover all your YouTube channels have been terminated due to copyright strikes from your Rumble account! As things currently stand, it is a simple process to make fake identities and file enough fraudulent copyright infringement claims to literally destroy someone's online business. Places like YouTube, Facebook, and X provide an open door for people to commit these crimes, and they will do NOTHING to stop them!

One BIG problem with the current process for filing copyright infringement allegations, is that there are no requirements for the person filing to prove who they are or that they own the alleged infringed copying materials. No matter how unfounded the copyright infringement claim may be, you will be required to remove your content, or it will automatically be removed for you. You are now in the position of having to prove your innocence to a mostly automated response system!

Due to the lack of human review of DMCA copyright complaints on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and X, fraudulent DMCA automated robo-takedown notices have resulted not only in financial loss but in the censorship of my perfectly legal content and violations of my civil right to free speech. This has been nothing short of gross negligence on the part of these online platforms who, in an apparent effort to avoid copyright litigation, have opted to provide free rein to a malicious digital Imposter to commit serious criminal and civil rights crimes. These repeated fraudulent DMCA infringement claims have been pure harassment rather than legitimate infringements of copyright law. Many of these DMCA claims have been so obviously fraudulent, and yet, so easily granted. Contesting any of these obviously bogus complaints has met with an endless loop of mindless robot-automated emails.

NOTE: My X account I'm using in this video was suspended over the weekend... 

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