Street Photography Workshop Reviews

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Below are several reviews of my street photography workshop. You can find more reviews here.
Review of the Four Day Street Photography Winter Intensive:

Four days with the inimitable Chuck Jines took my photography to a radically new and exciting place. On the very first day, I began looking at my city and it's incredible photographic opportunities in a different way. And now I can't stop traveling around, exploring, and taking pictures! Chuck broke down the process of working with a meter and a film camera very simply and directly. He provided numerous approaches and fun techniques for shooting the city and it's inhabitants. Through Chuck I've discovered the joy of shooting with purpose rather than just waiting for something to inspire me. It's made all the difference.

Chuck has an incredibly engaging teaching style. He creates an atmosphere of fun and exploration. He's deeply knowledgeable about the history and philosophy of street photography and easily communicates those ideas - and the ways in which he's developed his own voice in the medium and how others can, as well. Mostly, with Chuck, you learn by DOING. I can't overstate the impact this had on me. I learned more from being mentored by Chuck in the street and watching him work with others than I have from any book, video, or class. He's just that good.

The second half of the intensive was devoted to film development and editing. It rocked!!! Chuck took us through two different development processes. Taught us how to scan our negatives properly. And how to edit our images using both Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro. One of the other participants and I are already planning to form a film development club!

Thank you, Chuck, for a wonderful, broadening, real-world experience. You are an outstanding teacher.

-Robin Chaplik (2/25/14).

Thanks, Robin! I look forward to shooting with you again.

This is a review for my attendance at the Beginner's Street Photography Workshop that took place in Chicago during Feb 15th & 16th, 2014.

Initially, I was looking for a street photography lesson in my native hometown of NYC and was quite pricey. Nonetheless with Google search, I randomly browsed and came across Chuck Jines, a Chicago based street photographer. I didn't have any foreknowledge about Chuck, other than to see his work and youtube video threads on street photography, and his approach. Before having made a decision to sign up for this workshop, my first thoughts about Chuck after viewing youtube clips on street photography as well as his work was, he's gritty, genuine, and a great communicator that is willing to spread his knowledge and insight in capturing street photographs. So, I booked a flight from New York City to Chicago. Chuck breaks it down from A to Z in first, being proficient with your camera, exposure, and composition in what urban features to incorporate in capturing a street photograph.

I had no expectations coming into the workshop as I had intentions of progressing in this area of photography. Being an intermediate skilled photographer, this workshop is encouraged for all skill levels of photography. I learned a great deal in this workshop in which Chuck breaks down the essence of street photography - the philosophy, what makes a street photograph a street photograph, and what it conveys to the viewer. Chuck challenged me to come out of my comfort zone to approach strangers and to come more closer when photographing the subject. I was really encouraged when Chuck emphasized to me to develop a style of street photography that best caters my own personality. Being an introverted person that I am, whose comfort zone is to photograph natural scenic landscapes, I did not know how much human psychology is significant in street photography - knowing your neighborhood, observing the social dynamics of an area, seeing how people interact with one another on the street.

After coming out of the 2 day workshop, Chuck's teaching opened a vision in how I should approach capturing a street photograph. But most importantly, it revealed that my desire is to be comfortable and confident socializing with strangers and, thus eventually my photography will follow through.

For the ones who are contemplating of signing up for a street photography workshop, I absolutely have no regrets paying a visit from NYC to Chicago. Come with an open mind, be observant, and have a lot of questions that you are unsure of. I'm thankful for Chuck, with such gifts of a genuine communicator, and the words of encouragement he has given to me in improving my street photography. -Chris Chow

Dear Chuck —

Thank you for introducing me to the world of street photography. You teach a wonderful combination of tools, technique and tradition, and your workshop took the fear that I had and replaced it with passion. Your workshop gave me the “tricks of the trade” that you’ve learned over the last 5 years, and your knowledge of the city and its inhabitants is unparalleled. In an era of digital manipulation and fast firing cameras, you stand out as “the real deal”.

Best regards,

Jeff Carsten, Southern Light Photography


Chicago Street Photography Workshop

“…I have sent emails to all my photo pals recommending this workshop.

In one day in the rain, I got more confident with my camera (shooting on “Manual” was amazing — I’d always been afraid of ‘M’) and more confident being “out there” as a photographer.

You will feel like you have traveled far and deep, seeing the city for the first time with new eyes.

Chuck is a generous and skilled teacher who has lots of tricks up his sleeve.

You will have fun and learn a lot more than you expected.”

-Angela, June 15, 2013 Chicago Street Photography Workshop “

Thanks, Chuck

I was only in Chicago for a few days and I wanted to see the city. That’s exactly what I got with Chuck Jines. I had contacted several photo tours/walks and received delayed responses, notices that they were out of town for the Thanksgiving week, etc. Chuck got back to me immediately and asked if I wanted a private. I was on board.

Street photography has always been an interest of mine, but getting comfortable taking photos of strangers has been difficult. I got more out of watching Chuck work and interact with people on the street than I’d received from any photography workshop. He explains the process and gets you out of your comfort zone, which was a mandatory step for me.

You don’t just get the tips and tricks of street photography with Chuck, you get an all out photography lesson. He covers framing, balance, metering, content; all things I felt I was quite confident with, but he would go deeper into the psychology behind photography and what makes a good photo, innately. His knowledge of the subject in general is mind blowing. I could pick his brain for hours and will definitely contact him again when I’m in town, as his prices are VERY reasonable, and he could easily charge 3x as much.

Chuck knows the city very well. He has intertwined himself with photography and philanthropy to create a wonderful way to give back to his art and the homeless in Chicago. Please go to his website and read some of his blogs on his projects and the people he follows. They’re not your everyday photo projects. He literally brings light to some of the darkest parts of our society, and does his best to help those who are willing to be helped.

He’s quick and unapologetic when it comes to people who judge him. A gentleman approached us after he had taken a photo of a homeless man, who Chuck knew and had photographed before, and began to berate Chuck for taking advantage of the homeless. After an attempt to have a civil conversation with our nosy, new friend, and was denied by unintelligible banter, Chuck just rose his camera to his face and snapped a photo of the guy. He stomped off in an irate stupor. It was quite wonderful. There would be no way to appease that man, or any way to explain to him that Chuck does more for this community than probably anyone in the city.

Most importantly he reinvigorated my interest in film. I bought a Minolta 202 on Ebay the second I got home. It has forced me to slow down and concentrate on everything that goes into a photo. I’m learning more about light and exposures. I won’t put my DSLR away, not even close, but I focus now on what’s out in front, not what’s on the little screen on the back of my camera.

I recommend Chuck’s workshop to anyone who wants to move forward in their photography, not just in street, but as an artist. In this day and age it seems so many professionals are hesitant to share their thoughts and techniques. This is your advantage to take to the streets with one of the best. Take advantage of it. You won’t be disappointed. -Bryan Lovell

A personal note about Chuck’s lesson…

“…Meeting Chuck, and listening to him is like opening your eyes for the first time. In a few short hours I was able to spend talking and shooting with him, he gave me more ideas about documentary photography than in the year and a half I’ve been teaching myself. Thank you Chuck for your time,and giving me some great advice, social views, and a new direction in my work. Thank you, once again Chuck.”-Paul Kolesnikov

Thanks much…

“…Chuck, your workshop was great. A day well spent.”-Rhonda B. Woods

Beyond Automatic Digital Photography Reviews:

I had zero knowledge of how to operate my camera and this class got me started on the basics as well as provided easy to follow instruction from Chuck and materials that were a helpful reference. The following street walk with Chuck was equally as informative and just plain fun. This course was worth every dollar and more. I'm looking forward to my next outing.
-Derek Schumacher

Thanks, Chuck! I learned about manual mode and humanity today. Keep doing what you are doing. -Jim Cole

Never going back to Auto mode again.. Awesome workshop! Thank you so much! -Manju Muralidharan

I learned a lot through this class and enjoyed spending time with the group. Took my first street photos (with people!) this afternoon, and NO automatic! -Jill Francis

The information was priceless, with so much information. The handout will definitely be helpful. -Malika

Chuck, thank you for giving me the confidence to move away from automatic modes into full manual mode. I learned more in two hours with you than I thought possible. Can’t wait to get out and practice and look forward to more Meet Ups. You’re an awesome teacher. Thanks again! -Rita Anthony

Workshop was very informative. Learned alot and now can’t wait to use it!! -Wendy Bratton

Chuck was very informative and helpful. He gave us all a great packet of information to reference and take home. Hopefully I’ll never be lazy and go back to automatic mode. -Becky Kozlen

I thought it was great. Just reviewing the material provided thrugh the class and it’s very easy to understand and follow. I thought it was a great class for beginning photography. -Debi

Great workshop, thanks so much. -Sharon

Film Development Reviews

"I appreciate it dude. You've given far better and concise info than the other 100 people I've asked! I just developed a roll. no spots, looks perfect. People should gladly pay you whatever you charge for your film class! cheers!" -Brian Sokolowski

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