Ah, yes… some Friday evening Kerouac…

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I was sipping a Goose Island, an Urban Pale Ale, while Kerouac tapped out a groovy beat: boom ta-ta, BOOM-! ta-ta...

The clouds are pissing down the broken window-glass, as moonbeams run naked across the morning sky... CJ

And now, we return to our regularly scheduled programming...

Kerouac - October in the Railroad Earth

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Paul's Pictures
Paul's Pictures
10 years ago

very very grooovy thanks for posting this Chuck. Have been digging Kerouac for..god..um. 40 odd years. Had a HUGE collection of books by and about him and the other beats.
It’s actually pretty weird you posting this now because I watched a video the other night using his words as a voice over. An ad for Dosnaventa Bikes but a very cool video. And I was thinking of which friends would like it and your name came up. just hadn’t got around to sharing it yet. Anyway here’s the link. The text is kind of interesting and you just have to scroll down till you see the vid.