Surprisingly, there's not a lot of infighting that actually goes so far as to get physical between the Alley Boys, but sometimes, people push too far, and tempers flare.
"You need to quit playin' with me out here on these mother-fuckin' streets." -Teddy Smith
At 64 years old, Teddy is still a force to be reckoned with. Teddy is hard as a rock, and he has been forged from the pavement itself. A few seconds after this shot was taken, Teddy was forced to use physical violence in defense of his personal property.

Dale failed to heed Teddy's warning, and made the mistake of attempting to take Teddy's walking stick, which was met with quick and decisive action on the part of Teddy.
"I will slap the dog shit out you, you ignorant mother fucker." -Teddy Smith

Teddy retrieves his walking stick from Dale, as life on the streets continues on...