I recently had the opportunity to lead a private one-on-one Chicago street photography tour for an awesome photographer from Turin, Italy. Maurisio Ghiozzi was wanting to see parts of the city other than the downtown area, so we visited several…
Author: C. Jines
4:51 am… Cool to the touch
4:51 am… The Earth is cool to the touch, as the Dawn slowly turns and says hello.
5:17 am… Venturing to Urbana
5:17 am… I’ll be venturing to Urbana in a couple of hours to spend a few days making prints with a friend. I love driving old Route 45 through all the little forgotten towns that now serve as hospice for old…

What is the favorite photo you shot on film in 2014?
What is the favorite photo you shot on film in 2014? Photo-reply in the comments! Don’t forget to include the camera and film!

Tip For Shooting Street Photography In Low-Light Without a Flash
Tip For Shooting Street Photography In Low-Light Without a Flash: Question From a Subscriber: I’m wondering if I could have some tips. I’m shooting on this medium format camera with HP5 400. I’m trying to do night time photography on…

Heroin Photo Book Update
I just finished ordering the last batch of 5×7 inkjet prints of the images that I’m considering for inclusion in my forthcoming photo book on heroin addiction. I received the first batch of 85 prints this past week, and have…