Tony is 53 years old and has been living on the streets of Chicago since the early 90’s. I’ve been photographing Tony for around two years now.

Documenting the Human Experience
Tony is 53 years old and has been living on the streets of Chicago since the early 90’s. I’ve been photographing Tony for around two years now.
I’ve seen this man many times over the years, courageously walking down State Street. (Minolta XD-11, Tri-X EI 800, Rodinal stand development)
Jay Maisel, recognized as one of the top natural-light color photographers in the world, shares his thoughts on the process and passion of a photographic life. Santa Fe Workshop Instructor Series – Jay Maisel from StoryPortrait Media on Vimeo.
On Saturday, August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, MO, 18 year old Michael Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson, MO police officer, Darren Wilson. On that tragic Saturday afternoon, reports began to come in that a young unarmed black man…
Martin Parr loves to take photos of the most mundane subjects, where he magically transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Parr is best known for his long-term documentary photographic projects. Parr has managed to publish some 40 solo photobooks.
The poet makes the private life public. I love, oh how I love! And for my love, I suffer.
I was sipping a Goose Island, an Urban Pale Ale, while Kerouac tapped out a groovy beat: boom ta-ta, BOOM-! ta-ta… The clouds are pissing down the broken window-glass, as moonbeams run naked across the morning sky… CJ And now,…
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards themselves? Photojournalism, among other things, is an antidote to the natural tendencies towards political corruption. My story today isn’t about the hostage standoff itself, as I’m sure everyone has the details…