I’ve received multiple requests to do a video on pushing film: what it means, and why one would ever want to do such a thing. I had a few friendly visitors show up to help me explain…
Author: C. Jines
Internationally published social documentary photographer and author.
B&W digital skies are extremely problematic…
My trip down to St. Louis really put the zap on digital photography for me. I took several shots that I really like, but the sky in each image looks like crap. I’m having a hard time with the look…
How to Overcome Your Fear of Shooting Street Photography
Here is a short video with a few quick tips on how to overcome the fear of shooting candid street photography. My thanks to St. Louis street photographer, Paul Kolesnikov for recording this video. Chicago Street Photography Workshops and Photo…
Pure-blue horizons…
It’s a new dawn, a fresh start. Why am I alive? What is truly important? I struggle with my creative spirit which beckons me to express my haunting fear, my disappointment, and yes – my hope. The fear of rejection,…