Author: C. Jines
Doing what I do best – Gritstreet Agitation
ag·i·ta·tion 1. a state of anxiety or nervous excitement. “widespread agitation for social reform” 2. the action of briskly stirring or disturbing something, esp. a liquid. The end result, four rolls hanging to dry…
Undomesticated Spirits
I want to sit here in the now, in the Sun, in the air, in this eternal now. Flags of cultural icons crackle in the breeze. Could it be true? That this day will never end? I want to sit…
End of the Line: Long-Term Heroin Addiction Abscess
“With heroin, it’s a fixed fight, and you’re gonna lose.” -Ali When I arrived on Hepatitis Boulevard this morning, I discovered two gentlemen taking a few moments to let the morning spring air hit their open wounds, wounds acquired after…
Shadow Nod – Heroin Addiction
I just finished scanning four rolls of film from a shoot I did the other day on a heroin addict called Shadow. I’ll have a full photo essay on Shadow in the days to come. I just wanted to post…
Saboo: ‘I learned the game real quick’
“My mother was a prostitute, so I learned the game real quick – how to hustle a mother fucker out of his money.” -Saboo, Almighty Ambrose “I learned death at a young age.” -Saboo – Almighty Ambrose 63 St., Chicago
“…places only they would know.”
“…seeking out the poorer quarters where the ragged people go, looking for the places only they would know.” The Dungeon If you put your time in, the city will reveal herself to you. About two years ago I first heard…