The heroin epidemic continues to sweep across the land taking its victims from every economic class, and every race – Heroin holds no quarter. This is Shaggy helping Russ inject down on Hepatitis Boulevard.
Author: C. Jines
Internationally published social documentary photographer and author.
Teddy -11-11-2013 – Tri-X EI 3200, Adonal Stand Development
“Let’s get out of here. I need to stick, and move. Somebody’s going to drop something on the ground, and I want to be the first to get to it.” -Theodore Smith
Clark Street Morning Blues
Buddy Guy – First Time I Met The Blues
Street Photography Tip: Embrace the Grain – Pushing Tri-X to 1600 ISO
In this street photography tip video I answer two questions: What does it mean to push film? Why would you want to do it? Chicago Street Photography Workshops: October 26, 2013 and November 16, 2013 GritStreet Photography is a high-contrast,…