Good guitars are where you find them
Author: C. Jines
Does God Exist?
Does God Exist? This is probably the oldest philosophical question of all mankind. Many people have claimed not only to “know” with all certainty that their God does indeed exist, they also humbly lay claim to insights into the mind…

The Problem With ‘Divine Intervention’
I find it fascinating that so many people believe in a God who intervenes in their day-to-day lives for the most mundane of things. To seriously believe that a good a just God somehow overlooks the tremendous suffering in the…

Hillbilly AC
Today I have my hillbilly AC cranked all the way up! #OffGrid#NewMexico
Gay Weddings and the Right to Discriminate
On Jun 30, 2023 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Colorado cannot require an evangelical Christian to provide website design services to same-sex couples. The court decision was 6-3 in favor of designer Lorie Smith, saying she was protected…
Was the Ashli Babbitt Shooting Justified?
On January 6, 2021, Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot by Capital Police Officer, Lieut. Michael Byrd. Babbitt was shot while participating in an attack on the United States Capitol. Babbitt attempted to crawl through a broken window and into the…
Israel and Double Standards
It’s extremely easy to get lost in the weeds when discussing the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The details and wrongs committed on both sides knows no end. There are several things that are clear: first, Israel is in violation of international…

Who Are The People On The Trump Document Recording?
Contrary to what many people apparently seem to think, the audio tape of Trump showing some sort of documents to people, did not happen in a vacuum… There were other people in the room! We can safely bet that one…