Walker Evans was a political propagandist working for the government agency, the FSA. Walker Evans staged photographs and manipulated images to match the political agenda of the FSA. There is a long history of left-wing propaganda through photography. From Walker…
Author: C. Jines

Down and out liberation
“And there is another feeling that is a great consolation in poverty. I believe everyone who has been hard up has experienced it. It is a feeling of relief, almost of pleasure, at knowing yourself at least genuinely down and…

The glue
Lies hold everything together. As soon as truth enters, the whole mess comes unraveled. -Chuck Jines

Economic Cleansing: Aldermen Push to Close Down Ewing Annex Hotel
Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! It was good to see the Ewing Annex Hotel still up and…

A good week…
Let’s have a good week. It can be hard living this life we share. We are all alone together. Good morning

Tribe Over Truth – How MAGA Propaganda is Destroying the Republic
Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! Propaganda is a piece of false information designed to deceive and manipulate…

Social Documentary Photo Project Publication – Against Doctor’s Orders
Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! Social documentary photo project – Against Doctor’s Orders: A True Story of…

Questions and answers
Content creator or artist? Community builder or truth seeker? These were my choices. Death brought the questions into focus. Life provided the answers.