I’m working on an SEO-rich blog post for our home protection dog training website. The goal of SEO is to get web pages to stick on the top of search results. I’ve always preferred this type of marketing over social…

Documenting the Human Experience
I’m working on an SEO-rich blog post for our home protection dog training website. The goal of SEO is to get web pages to stick on the top of search results. I’ve always preferred this type of marketing over social…
A lady in the neighborhood lost her roof during Monday’s winds. I’m going on Sunday to help put it back on. I can’t help but want to help. I’m very familiar with suffering. Why is the spring air so fresh…
2:38 am… I love getting up early to make my rounds checking on our animals. The whole world belongs to me this time of day. The entire universe tips its hat as I watch the glowing Moon fade behind my…
2:55 am. The wind has ceased its ruthless assault. A silent calm now hovers over this desert valley. Moonlight dances upon the lightly frosted mountain tops. The stove is warming back up, the coffee is almost hot, the dogs are…
My teepee has held so far. Wednesday night, we had a steady 50mph wind with gusts as high as 70mph, ALL NIGHT LONG. Thursday saw 35mph winds ALL DAY LONG. And today, we have a steady 35mph wind with gusts…
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Then the feeling passes and I get back to living.
All the siding is off, now I’m taking down the interior finish wood. After that, I’ll have all the framing timbers exposed and ready for removal. For eight years this trusty stove has kept our cabin warm. My it do…
We’re packing up our most important possessions and putting them in storage until we build the new cabin. We love our nature art, rocks, sticks, and bones.