Since I first published this article back on December 8, 2010, Christian Nationalism has gained incredible power through a potential presidency held by Donald J. Trump. The foundation of his MAGA movement is grounded in the worldview of Christian Nationalism.…
Category: Essays & Articles

The Spirit of the Enlightenment
Originally Published on: Aug 24, 2011 The Spirit of the Enlightenment “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be…
Outlaw State of Mind
I pulled the clutch in on my 2004 Dyna and downshifted as I turned off the blacktop road and onto a dirt path, which lead out into the New Mexico desert. I crossed an old weathered cattleguard which seemed to…
Gnosticism: Understanding the Liberal Mind
Gnosticism: Understanding the Liberal Mind Note: I originally published this article in November, 2004 Gnosticism is not a term we usually hear today, and yet we live in the age of the Gnostic. Gnosticism permeates every aspect of modern life.…
A True Inconvenience For Environmentalists – 12 Years After
A True Inconvenience For Environmentalists Note: I originally published this article back in May, 2006 one week after Al’s movie came out. I remember everyone in Carbondale, Illinois running around in hysterics after the release of this movie. Everyone was…
Review of the Witnesses Being Used to Allegedly “Prove” Darren Wilson’s Guilt
On Saturday, August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, MO, 18 year old Michael Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson, MO police officer, Darren Wilson. On that tragic Saturday afternoon, reports began to come in that a young unarmed black man…
Is There A Heroin Crisis? A Response to Nick Gillespie
According to libertarian political pundit and editor in chief of, Nick Gillespie, the recent death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has triggered, what he characterizes as “[a] massive outpouring of patently false and exaggerated stories about the increase in…
On the legalization of Heroin and Other Hard Drugs
On the legalization of Heroin and Other Hard Drugs Chicago is currently suffering through a horrific Heroin crisis. For the past six months I’ve been working on a documentary photo project which focuses on Heroin addiction. During this time, I…