
Photography Services: My Contact info: Mailing Address: Chuck Jines 2 Marietta Ct. Ste. A Edgewood, NM 87015 Phone (text only) 505-250-1425 Email: Event Photography: Weddings Reunions  Parties Mixed Martial Arts & Sport Events Product Photography: Band and Musician Photography…



Chuck Jines – Documenting the Human Experience – Professional Social Outcast and Intellectual Outlaw Just a guy moving in the opposite direction of the crowd… About me: Yes, it’s true. I like old vinyl records, typewriters that go “tap, tap,…


Monday, Monday. Words, words and more words. Need to write 500-1000 words every day this week. December 1st is the deadline for the book. This is one of 4 books I need to write. Books are more durable than stone,…