Category: General Photography

Off-grid tiny cabin build, March 10, 2025
I took out the small East window from the tiny cabin today. We’re going to use this cabin as a home protection dog training facility once I get our new, and much larger, cabin built. We are thankful for the…
What I’ve Learned
I learned a few things during this attack by a malicious digital Imposter. Well, I’ve had things that I’ve known all along confirmed. I’ve always known that my social media content would be terminated at some point. That’s just the…
Guess who?
I have someone using other people’s names with fake addresses to file bogus copyright infringement claims. They even used the videos from my Rumble account to bring down my YouTube channel, even though both channels and all the videos…
New stuff
I shed my skin like a snake and walk fresh into a new day! My FaceBook My X My Rumble
Toxic masculinity…
My silky smooth skin by L’Oréal. Toxic masculinity…
Still cranking
Almost 60 and still cranking!’