Category: General Photography
Watch “Flint and steel fire. Making char cloth” on YouTube
Watch “Update on 3 week old Cane Corso puppies” on YouTube
Watch “Cherry-picking data to suit your agenda” on YouTube No. There was not a model that predicted 2.2 million people would die in our situation. This is confirmation bias, and cherry picking a selection of information that fits some people’s prior commitment to a political narrative. This is…
Is Trump part of the covid-19 conspiracy?
I guess Donald Trump himself must be part of this Covid-19 vast left-wing conspiracy. Donald Trump agrees that this is a crisis. Donald Trump agrees that this virus is a very serious virus. Donald Trump agrees with the numbers and…
Watch “Motorcycle Adventure Into the Twilight Zone- Shutdown Protest, New Mexico” on YouTube
The magical and mythological mindset…
On March 4, 2020 we only had 26 deaths related to Covid-19 here in the US. Some people were claiming that this was a fake crisis designed to bring down the Trump administration. Rush Limbaugh being the most vocal. Rush…
Watch “Oh how fundamentalist Christians love fake news!” on YouTube