Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! It was good to see the Ewing Annex Hotel still up and…

Documenting the Human Experience
Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! It was good to see the Ewing Annex Hotel still up and…
Teddy (Right) and Hercules take shelter in a popular alley in Chicago’s Loop.
Saying goodbye… I don’t have much time left here in Chicago, so before my last few street photography workshops, I went around and took some photos with several of the folks that I’ve come to know over these past eight…
I’ll sure miss these guys… Hard to believe that I’ve been photographing these guys for almost five years. Somewhere along the way, they became much more than “photographic subjects;” they became my friends.
It has been some time since I’ve seen ol’ Teddy Smith. We were working on getting his cataracts taken care of about a year ago, but Teddy has been in and out of jail so much during this time that…
Victor Davis is a man whom I’ve known for several years now. Victor is one of several men who has decided to take up residency in one of the alleys in Chicago’s Loop area. Like many homeless people, Victor has…
After running into roadblocks the previous day, Teddy and I headed back to St. Peter’s first thing the following morning. We arrived right at 9:00 am. Several other people were already waiting in line, some to pick up their mail,…