Three days of marches against proposed school closings ended Monday as protesters encircled City Hall. Here are a few shots of the day’s events:

Documenting the Human Experience
Three days of marches against proposed school closings ended Monday as protesters encircled City Hall. Here are a few shots of the day’s events:
Word From The Street: An Update, 5/16/2013 The energy at the park (corner of State and Van Buren) has had a tense overtone, as militant Black Jews, i.e., “Khazars” openly proclaim their hatred of White people. Travelers came through the…
Alley Boys, Darrell, Chicago, Spring 2013
A huge sinkhole swallowed three cars on Chicago’s South Side following a night of heavy rainfall. The sinkhole, located at 96th and Houston, injured one person.
Today several thousand people gathered to protest the closing of some 54 Chicago schools.The protest began with a rally in Daley Plaza before marching around City Hall. Here’s just a few photos from the day’s events:
“Hardcore Pawn” Chicago, Not So Hardcore Guess what? The reality TV show, “Hardcore Pawn: Chicago” – the show that is filmed below the hotel for men on Clark St. – is totally staged! I photographed them filming what looked to…
Construction continues around the clock on Chicago’s Wells Street Bridge, as crews feverishly work to replace the south leaf section of the bridge. The project is scheduled to last nine days with the bridge reopening for the morning rush on March…
It’s so cold here in Chicago that the concrete has turned to steel. “And there is another feeling that is a great consolation in poverty. I believe everyone who has been hard up has experienced it. It is a feeling…