Category: Independent Photojournalism
Against Doctor’s Orders Part Two: God Bless My Addiction
Against Doctor’s Orders Part Two: God Bless My Addiction Heroin addiction is nothing short of evil. The US is currently in the midst of an opioid overdose epidemic, that not only includes heroin, but prescription pain medications as well. In fact,…
Voices From the Street – Heroin: A Love/Hate Relationship
Voices From the Street – Heroin: A Love/Hate Relationship

Chicago Blues Has Got the Blues – Small Turnout At the 2014 Chicago Blues Festival
(Originally published on June 17, 2014 at Chicago Now) There was a noticeably smaller crowd at this year’s Chicago Blues Festival in comparison to previous festivals. National slide guitar champion and 15 year veteran of the Chicago Blues Festival, Kraig…

U.S. – Mexico Border Wall
I went down to the U.S. – Mexico border to have a first look at the wall, or the lack thereof…

Alley Life
Teddy (Right) and Hercules take shelter in a popular alley in Chicago’s Loop.

Demonstrators Clash During the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio
Surprisingly few anti-Trump protesters showed up to disrupt the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. While it had been reported that as many as ten thousand demonstrators would be in attendance, the Tuesday July 19th demonstration produced no more…