A theory is a body of knowledge. A mythology is a story believed to be true despite evidence to the contrary…

Documenting the Human Experience
A theory is a body of knowledge. A mythology is a story believed to be true despite evidence to the contrary…
Yesterday, Lee Robinson of American Sentinel K9 review stopped by the website and left a comment that included a link to one of his recent videos, “Understanding Protection: Why ‘all defense all the time is insufficient.” I assume he wanted…
Identity Theft With Malicious Intent to Commit Copyright Infringement Fraud Someone is using other people’s names and fake mail.com email addresses to file copyright infringement claims across my web platforms with malicious intent to terminate all my online accounts…
What are the chances of three individuals who don’t know one another (one person is deceased) all simultaneously filing copyright infringement claims all using @mail.com email addresses? Who would be my first person of interest? This is what all the…
We have a mystery! Someone used another person’s personal information to file a false copyright infringement claim on YouTube. Update 1/28/25. Okay… one of the people whose name was used to file false copyright infringement complaints is working on…
Harris turned the polls in her favor across the board! The same polls Trump bragged about, but now MAGA says these same polls are now rigged! These guys are masters of playing flip a coin where the rules are “heads…
This is a test! Trump violated his oath of office by conspiring with others to overthrow the election through fraud. This is a test of your moral development and of your actual commitment to our Constitution. The MAGA crowd has…
Just a quick review: “What Trump is going to do is just declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s the winner. He’s gonna say he’s the winner…. Here’s the thing, after that Trump never has…