Social Documentary Photography Project: Full Book – Against Doctor’s Orders “Hmm? There doesn’t seem to be anyone in room 618 by that name” said the hospital receptionist in response to my request for a visitor pass to see Shaggy. “Let…

Documenting the Human Experience
Against Doctor’s Orders is a social documentary photography project on the subject of heroin addiction.
Social Documentary Photography Project: Full Book – Against Doctor’s Orders “Hmm? There doesn’t seem to be anyone in room 618 by that name” said the hospital receptionist in response to my request for a visitor pass to see Shaggy. “Let…
Please help this website by sharing my content on your social media platforms. This is an awesome way to help my efforts with no cost to you. Thanks! Social documentary photo project – Against Doctor’s Orders: A True Story of…
It was years in the making! Against Doctor’s Orders by Chuck Jines | Blurb Books Order your physical copy today.
Junkies perform Holy rituals upon urine-soaked altars, like High Priests consecrating sacraments of Blood, Spike and Flame. Holy, Holy, mother of god, blessed are you among addictions, and blessed is the sting of thy death. (This image of Shaggy…
This image of John Lee was taken around 2013. John and I spent a great deal of time together, talking about everything under the sun. We would sit on Lower Wacker and talk history, philosophy, and morality. John overdosed a…
My Social Documentary Photography Project Bookstore: Against Doctor’s Orders “Gritty documentary photography that exposes the dark shadows of drug addiction. A harsh wake up call with no solutions in sight. Please share this work with your young teenager. Let them…