Christian “faith” has provided safe harbor for all sorts of moral mischief. The doctrine of eternal security – once saved, always saved – has served as a green light for untold amounts of unaccountable misconduct. – Chuck Jines
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
3:08 am…
3:09 am. Dec 8, 2022… T-bone steaks are sizzling on the wood stove, the full moon is shining through my window, the dogs are gently snoring, the morning air is crisp and pure, the wind is calm, the mountains are…
Environmentalism versus conservationism
I’m a conservationist and not an environmentalist. Environmentalism is a postmodern religious mythology. Conservationism is the mindful and respectful use of Earth’s resources.
A bad mix
Christianity = Platonic metaphysics combined with Paulinian slave morality. Platonic metaphysics = reality is an illusion, a corrupted shadow of a perfect world beyond. Paulinian slave morality = do not question authority, and turn the other cheek when your master…
Shadows of God
Shadows of God – Totalitarianism is the dream of paradise. Nihilistic philosophies, such as Platonism and Christianity, (Christianity is merely Platonism for the masses. Saint Paul took Christian ethics and laid them over Plato’s metaphysics) slowly evolved into political socialism…
The lesson of Thanksgiving
The lesson of Thanksgiving…. The reason the first settlers at Plymouth had such a hard time, is because they did not want to work, as William Bradford wrote in his journal. If you think these were the best and the…
Climate change…
For hundreds of millions of years the entire Earth was covered with tropical rainforest. There were no ice sheets anywhere on the planet. Then about 40 million years ago the Earth began to cool. First slowly, then extremely rapidly until…
Good Morning!
Breathing deep the crisp morning mountain air. Venus and Saturn cruse the clear sky as the crescent Moon looks down to greet the day… Oh, how I love peeing outside in the morning!