The early morning desert darkness is cut clean by moon’s piercing ray
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
Plenty of oil
There’s plenty of oil, there’s just too many people… And low quality people at that… Every civilization needs a few clodhoppers, but we’ve taken knuckle dragging to a new level!
Sitting on the sidelines
I’m sitting on the sidelines watching the world go round. I’m sitting on the sidelines watching the monuments getting tore down. I’m sitting on the sidelines watching the cities burn, just sitting on the sidelines watching the world turn. Good…
Never again…
Never again will I be that guy who could work roofing all day, then hit the gym to bench 300 lb… But hey, at least I had my day in the Sun!
Not safe in public
Whenever I go to town, things just do not make sense. The longer I stay, the less sense things make. When I get back home, everything is crystal clear. I actually feel threatened when I come to town now. Like…
What if?…
What if an Amish lobby were able to infiltrate our government, and thus funnel 80% of American foreign aid to Germany? What if further, we weren’t allowed to talk about this?…
Christian ethics
Few people truly understand how toxic Christian ethics are to a prosperous and well endowed culture.
When I’m Gone
God… I’ll surely miss watching the Sunrise… The excitement and purity of a fresh new day…