Coyotes committed murder last night. We could hear the dirty deed loud and clear as the squeals of anguish echoed across the desert. Coyotes committed murder last night, and they heckled with joy as they completed their dirty deed.
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
Youth of Old Age
When I was a young man I exercised in order to maximize my power. Today, I exercise in order to resist decay…
The world too small
I’ve never stayed in one place. I gotta keep moving. There’s no way I could be born, live, and then die while dwelling in the same old town… My soul is too vast, and the world too small…
Fresh spring air…
Storms are rolling in. The fresh spring air is full of life. Reminds me of my youth… Something pure and innocent about fresh spring air.
Our low IQ problem
Which is the main reason why there are so few black doctors and lawyers? One: White oppression? Two: low IQs? The next question is, how many doctors and lawyers are there in America who have an IQ of only 85?…
The Earth is saturated
The Earth is saturated with people. They are everywhere. There is no place where they are not. Their Footprints are everywhere, their voices are everywhere, their garbage is everywhere. There is no place where it is not. The Earth screams…
The simple life
Living a simple life is very complicated…
It’s a three Advil morning
It’s a three Advil morning. With my lower back’s deep burning ake, and my shoulder’s sharp shooting pain, and my knee that goes click, click, pop! – as I cross the vast and perilous ocean that is my kitchen floor.…