Patience. Frozen morning, steaming breath, small glowing coal. Patience… Good morning 🌄
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
Simple food prepared on my simple stove in my simple cabin. Simply wonderful!
Today, for the first time, I feel like I can defend myself against the New Mexico weather. We’ve been at the mercy of the elements for weeks, and it has taken us to task. Now all the walls are up,…
Morning dew and old crooked bones
Scrungy dogs bark in the distance as the painted rooster calls forth the day. I sit close to my morning fire, shake off the desert dew, and warm my old crooked bones.
What it is…
Freedom is a conviction of the mind. Integrity is how one acts when no one is looking. Meditation is the practice of inner calm while walking through the storms of this world.
Simple Pleasures…
Ooh, that overwhelming feeling of satisfaction when you have successfully swatted a fly that has been dive-bombing you for the past two hours…

Eye’s of the world
There is an infinity of sound located within the silence of Sunrise. I can still hear the first breath of ancient man echoing across the golden horizon. On that first sacred Dawn, mankind awoke from his animal slumber, existence became…
Moral development
Moral development is the ability and willingness to distinguish the difference between truth and falsehood. Most people have bypassed moral development and opted for “faith” in Jesus and their favorite sports team… Good morning 🌄