4:11 am… Bobby bought himself a $20.00 crack whore to help get him through the night. He didn’t want sex, he just wanted someone to hold his hand.
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
4:17 am…
4:17 am… Missing Anda… Making coffee, working on the heroin book. Listening to voodoo chicken, thinking about my kids, my grandmother, my youth, my old age, my death. Making coffee, gazing out the window, I see the streetlamp glimmering off…
5:38 am – The labor…
5:38 am… Oh, the labor! The mental and physical labor! As I gaze out across this big-grid city, looking up at these rising towers that protrude from the pavement like mountains, I’m forever awed by the amount of labor it…
I’m not sure if the world has ever gotten this crazy. Something isn’t right, something is about to blow… The Earth grows weary of its playthings.Time to shake off the dust and start a new day…
and now I can’t sleep…
I saw an old familiar face at the park… There he was, all shriveled like a piece of crumpled up aluminum foil. He looked like a man who had just escaped from the camps of Nazi Germany. All for heroin……
The universe…
The universe deals out some really shitty hands – Some people get stuck holding five bad cards – wrong genetics, wrong biology, wrong parents, wrong school, and their own poor choices.
7:47… Shafts of light…
7:47… Shafts of light crept between two buildings and poured themselves down like tremendous fountains onto the sidewalk. I stopped and immersed myself in this holy oasis of light, I fell to my knees and wept while praising the Sun…
5:00 am… In the stillness of the dawn…
5:00 am… In the stillness of the early dawn you can hear the deafening beauty of silence.