I wandered city streets chasing shadows of light through alleyways while Led Zeppelin melodies played through my head. How was your day? Now I’m getting ready to soup a few rolls of black and white film.

Documenting the Human Experience
I wandered city streets chasing shadows of light through alleyways while Led Zeppelin melodies played through my head. How was your day? Now I’m getting ready to soup a few rolls of black and white film.
Junkies perform Holy rituals upon urine-soaked altars like High Priests consecrating sacraments of Blood, Spike, and Flame. Holy, Holy, mother of my God, blessed are you among addictions, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
Metra coming from the North Side to the Loop: Passengers: Doctors, lawyers, accountants, veterinarians, counselors, and bank executives – Generally energetic, and in good health. Advertisements: Cars, vacations, and clothes. Metra coming from the South Side to the Loop: Passengers: Construction…
I just received another email from a family member who found their loved-one on my website. They are inquiring as to their well-being. Social documentary photography takes things to a new level. All of a sudden my photography became a…
I failed yesterday… and it’s still bothering me. I usually keep a good supply of clean rigs on me, so when I’m out in the field I can help with harm reduction by passing out clean needles. I ran out…
It’s a new dawn, a fresh start. Why am I alive? What is truly important? I struggle with my creative spirit which beckons me to express my haunting fear, my disappointment, and yes – my hope. The fear of rejection,…
The smell of spring falls fresh from the morning fog, as angelic laughter rises from treetop perchings. Their morning song calls forth the day!
I want to sit here in the now, in the Sun, in the air, in this eternal now. Flags of cultural icons crackle in the breeze. Could it be true? That this day will never end? I want to sit…