It was fresh, it was new, it was clear, clean and bright. Oh, my youth now turned to gray, faded from time’s endless motion, wrinkled from life’s tragic indifference, soiled from the stains of lost love. I can still see…
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
Spooky things…
Two very spooky things about the COVID pandemic. One, I was shocked at how compliant our population was. Rolled over like pigs in a pen. Two, our government now knows this…
Earth Crop
Every 100 years, the Earth gets a whole new crop of people. Round and round we go.
Plastic Bags and Electric Cars
Remember how plastic bags were going to save the environment by no longer having to use trees for paper sacks? Now the entire planet is littered with plastic bags…they hang from ever fence, blow through every field, and droop from…
Am I beautiful to you?
Am I beautiful to you? A man broken down immaculate? A soul tarnished and tattered, a heart broken and torn, a mind scattered with foggy dreams? Am I beautiful to you? A human being thirsty for love, hungry for meaning,…
Cultivating good taste
Cultivating good taste is the process of enhancing one’s ability to discriminate critically between the beautiful and the ugly.
All the old ones
All the old ones are leaving us now, time ticks on as they slip through the back door. All the songs are silenced now, they won’t be sung like that anymore. All the old ones are leaving us now, and…
New Mexico Moon
New Mexico moon drooping down to the ground, dark shadow and shining light. New Mexico moon through my cabin window, crisp morning air starts the morning right.