Living the good life: We lost all of our fur and covered our naked selves with woven cotton. We paved over our Green Forests with black asphalt, cashed in our freedom for a climate controlled job at the office. We…
Category: Thoughts Out Of Season
Flame dance
The flames slowly dance while laping and licking the sides of the metal, like late night enchanted Lovers floating across the tavern floor. Too intoxicated to care, too enthralled to notice…
The measure of a man’s character
The measure of a man’s character is determined by the amount of raw truth he can handle. The truth will set you free, but you first must be willing to burn. This is why most men choose Faith over truth.…
I don’t have “beliefs’
I don’t have “beliefs.” I have things I know, and I have things I don’t know. I try not to use that word, I stay away from that verbiage due to the baggage attached to it. It’s kind of like…
A celebration of reality
Heathen’s greetings! A celebration of reality. Tis the season to celebrate the winter solstice! Sunrise isn’t a belief. This is why I worship the Sun. Away with the manger, and in with the rebirth of the Sun! It isn’t the…
Cold evolution
Cold weather is what helped to mold people of European ancestry into being the greatest explorers and inventors.
The problem of evil…
Sunday morning public service announcement…To state the problem one more time. If there is a god, he cannot be all knowing, all powerful, and all good. Not with evil in the world, and not with this insane concept of people…
Basic critical thinking…
. “They say judge not, but they send a hell everything that stands in their way!” – Frederick Nietzsche….If this Christian god knows everything, then he’s creating people that he fully knows will burn in hell! This means this god…