UFCW members join the demonstration in protest of Walgreens' possible move in corporate address from Illinois to Switzerland.

Chicago: Demonstrators Protest Potential Walgreens’ $4 Billion Tax Dodge

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A small group of concerned citizens gathered outside of the Wrigley Building on Thursday to protest Walgreens' possible change in corporate citizenship to Switzerland. Protesters claim the possible move by Walgreens is to avoid having to pay billions in tax dollars.

UFCW members join the demonstration in protest of Walgreens' possible move in corporate address from Illinois to Switzerland.
UFCW members join the demonstration in protest of Walgreens' possible move in corporate address from Illinois to Switzerland.
Co-director of Citizen Action Illinois, William McNary, speaks to the press at a rally to protest Walgreens' possible move to change its corporate citizenship to Switzerland
Co-director of Citizen Action Illinois, William McNary, speaks to the press at a rally to protest Walgreens' possible move to change its corporate citizenship to Switzerland
William McNary, co-director of Citizen Action Illinois, at a protest against Walgreens in Chicago.
William McNary, co-director of Citizen Action Illinois, at a protest against Walgreens in Chicago.
Protesters gather in Chicago to charge Walgreens with corporate tax-dodging.
Protesters gather in Chicago to charge Walgreens with corporate tax-dodging.
A Walgreens protester holds a paper sign outside of the Wrigley Building.
A Walgreens protester holds a paper sign outside of the Wrigley Building.
Protesters march into Walgreens carrying boxes filled with petitions that contain nearly seventy thousand signatures.
Protesters march into Walgreens carrying boxes filled with petitions that contain nearly seventy thousand signatures.
Activist, Eugene Lim, hands a box of petitions to Walgreens store manager, Steve Kukla.
Activist, Eugene Lim, hands a box of petitions to Walgreens store manager, Steve Kukla.
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