Coronavirus – Between Fear-mongering and Ignorant Denial

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There is no need for panic, and yet this isn't like the common flu, as many seem to claim. To view this as less harmful than the common flu is where the mistake is being made. Number one, we don't have any immunity to this. Number two, we don't have any vaccine for this. Number three, this virus is more contagious than the flu, and number four, it is more deadly than the flu.

The only way we have to flattening out the bell curve, is through our actions. If you view this just as any other flu, it will exponentially spread. This causes an overload of the healthcare system, and when this happens, deaths greatly Spike.

Yes, most people who contract this new virus will have a mild illness. But about 15% of the people who contract this new Coronavirus will become quite ill. 12% of people will need medical support, and about 5% of people will find themselves in intensive care.

Yes, the older you are the greater your risk. But again, this is not the common flu. Without proper action, the numbers will exponentially grow, doubling about every four to seven days. If people take proper action, they can greatly reduce that rate. That's why we see different outcomes in different countries. Countries that took proactive steps, such as South Korea and Singapore, reduced the spike of their bell curve, they didn't overrun their health systems. Countries such as China, Iran, and Italy, did not take the same proactive actions, and now they have quite a situation on their hands. Not about fear-mongering, not about politics. It has to do with how a virus spreads. .

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