The end result of long-term heroin addiction

End of the Line: Long-Term Heroin Addiction Abscess

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"With heroin, it's a fixed fight, and you're gonna lose." -Ali

Stairwell leading down to Lower Wacker Drive
Stairwell leading down to Lower Wacker Drive

When I arrived on Hepatitis Boulevard this morning, I discovered two gentlemen taking a few moments to let the morning spring air hit their open wounds, wounds acquired after many years of heroin abuse.

Ali (left) and David (right) air out abscesses caused by long-term heroin addiction
Ali (left) and David (right) air out abscesses caused by long-term heroin addiction
photograph of abscesses caused by heroin
"This is insanity, to do this to yourself," Ali confesses as he tells me of his love/hate relationship with heroin.

Below is a photograph of abscesses caused, not so much by heroin itself, but by the material used to cut the heroin, and from addicts repetitively using the same needles.

Easy and free access to syringes is one way of helping to reduce the harm caused by chronic drug addiction. Over the past several months, I have distributed over 5,000 clean needles to addicts living on the streets of Chicago. This, is why.

The end result of long-term heroin addiction
The end result of long-term heroin addiction

For places and times to pick up free injection supplies be sure to check out the Chicago Recovery Alliance.

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