Fat land: how Americans became the fattest people in the world

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Not only do Americans buy more junkie crap than they can't use, they also ingest far more calories than their bodies can actually burn. I have been preaching about the evils of consumerism for over 30 years... You are now witnessing the results of gluttonous consumerism. People's exterior appearance is often a direct reflection of their internal philosophy. If you were to go down to Quartzsite Arizona and take a look at all the snowbirds that camp out there each winter, you will notice two very common themes. One, they all have a whole bunch of stuff; and two,  they almost all are incredibly overweight.
This is because they actually think that a god has granted them permission to be gluttonous pigs! I'm serious. They actually believe that they are God's special people who have worked hard, and therefore deserve all the material gluttony they can stand. To these folks, gluttony is the highest manifestation of the "American Dream." Do you know anyone like this?

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