Gay Weddings and the Right to Discriminate

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On Jun 30, 2023 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Colorado cannot require an evangelical Christian to provide website design services to same-sex couples. The court decision was 6-3 in favor of designer Lorie Smith, saying she was protected under the First Amendment's free speech clause, to refuse website design services to same-sex couples. The ruling is in conflict with a Colorado law baring discrimination based upon things such as sexual orientation, race and gender. This ruling serves as a clear example of the conflict between the original U.S. Constitution and the new constitution (represented in the Civil Rights Act of 1964).

"In the liberal society there is necessarily a a private sphere with which the state's legislation must not interfere... liberal society necessarily makes possible, permits, and even fosters e
what is called by many people 'discrimination.' ...the prohibition against every 'discrimination' would mean the abolition of the private sphere, the denial of the difference between the state and society, in a word, the destruction of liberal society. - Leo Strauss

Liberty is to faction, what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. - James Madison

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