I've had multiple requests for a video on my Gritstreet method for developing black and white film. In this video, I summarize the process for preforming a 120 minute "stand development" using Adox Adonal. This method is fantastic for street photographers who "push" their film. Stand development offers high contrast images that preserve shadow detail.
Q: Is your pre-soak in distilled or tap water? I know you mix with distilled. And your final wash is with tap.
A: Pre-soak is in distilled. Also, AFTER the final wash, I let the reels soak in distilled water with a few drops of the flow. I agitate for about a minute. This cleans the negative and helps with spotting. So the only part of the process where I use tap, is during my main rinse.
so in reference to taking photos and stand develop, should one under expose? Do we correct contrast in LR?
You can. You have to experiment to find what you like.