This is Amy, mother of five, extracting heroin from a cooker, and into her syringe. Amy is 35 years old and has been shooting heroin on-and-off for over ten years. Amy was a "functional addict" who maintained a home up until last year when she first became homeless.
Heroin addiction is a haunting demon that tortures its victims into surrendering everything. UPDATE February 4, 2015: Amy has been on a Methadone program and clean for the past eight months. I have not seen her on the streets!
I am a 35 year old recovery addict and this moved me like you have no idea. . Yes, at 33 years old I had everything. Even though I was a functional opiate user. At 34 I tried heroin and at 35 am starting over with nothing but a shred of hope. That picture reminds me of where I was in the heart of my heroin use.
Thanks for taking the time to comment, and wishing you all the best in your recovery.