Heroin Addiction and Gun Violence in Chicago

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In Chicago, heroin is literally oozing from the streets... Much of the gang related gun violence  is connected to the heroin market. If you think you can do heroin just one time, maybe while at a party with your friends - think gain.

One time, turns into - "Oh, just one more time won't hurt." 12 months later, you'll find yourself hooked... real bad. Stay away from Junk!!!! D allowed me to take these images, with the hope that maybe just one person, will decide not to do junk by having seen them.

Chicago Heroin Addiction
Chicago Heroin Addiction

This man is close to the end of the road: D, Junkie, 2013 -3 - 63rd and Halsted area, Chicago, Minolta X-700, 50mm, Ilford 3200, no crop

Heroin Addiction in Chicago

“Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.”
-William S. Burroughs

Horrific photo shoot today with a 28 year old man whom I'll call "Dee." He first attempted to inject the Heroin into his groin area. Dee had two large holes, one on either side of his groin, where he plunged the needle deep within, twisting and turning in search of a usable vein - first on his left side, then on his right. He dug the needle around for some time looking for a vein, to no avail.

He then tied-off his leg and stuck the needle directly above another large hole. When he couldn't hit in his leg, he moved to his arm; then back to his leg, and then finally he hit a vein in his hand. Dee managed to pump about half of what was in the syringe before that vein gave out.

Heroin Addiction and Gun Violence in Chicago
Heroin Addiction and Gun Violence in Chicago


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