Homemade Rodinal Shopping List

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If you're wanting to make your own Rodinal and want to order the chemicals before I make the videos, below you'll find all that you'll need. I just spent $70.85 on the three base chemicals needed to make Rodinal. You can get them all at Photographers Formulary.

1. p-Aminophenol Hydrochloride
2. Potassium Metabisulfite
3. Sodium Hydroxide

I purchased one pound of each chemical. It takes but a few grams of each to make a 1000ml batch of concentrate. The price for ready made Rodinal in $13.99 per 500ml, plus shipping. You can really get your development cost down by making your own developers.

I'll be posting the Rodinal videos sometime after we finish with the GSD-10 developer video series.

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