In Street Photography, Location Matters

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In street photography, where one lives has a huge impact on their photographic potential. I was talking with someone yesterday about how much endless action there is in a city like New York. Once you've been there, Chicago seems like a quiet and deserted city.

Shooting street on the weekends here in Chicago can be very challenging, especially when one steps off Michigan Ave. where all the tourists are shopping. Tourists shopping generally make for uninteresting photos, unless they are getting mugged.

Some people maintain that you can shoot street photography anywhere, that one's geographical location isn't a factor in street photography. I say, bull shit. That's like saying you can catch huge Bass, in any old puddle of water...

In street photography, just as in fishing, there are little vortexes of life and energy, as well as places where there just are not any fish. The corner of Madison and State is one of these little vortexes of energy and life here in Chicago. Most of New York, is a vortex of this kind...

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