There are major problems with the study Tom used... The blacks in Germany had already passed an IQ test to get into the US military. Thus, they do not reflect the general black population. About thirty percent of blacks failed the military entry exams in comparison to 3 percent of whites. The IQ of the parents was also unknown. And this study was pitifully small... around 190 people. Sadly, Tom is playing with the data... I guess everybody has an agenda... IQ, like eye color, is genetic in origin... This same study showed the average IQ of girls being 8 points below the boys.... suggested a bad test sample, as these results do not reflect any other testing data... ugh.... Also, keep in mind that we have research on adopted children. Tens of thousands of black children have been tested who have been raised by white parents, Unfortunatel,y there is no increase in IQ... That's because IQ is genetic...