MOREHEAD, Ky. Sep 13, 2015 - The non-profit organization, Planting Peace, pays to have a billboard erected in Kim Davis’ hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis objects to gay marriage on religious grounds.

New billboard draws attention to gay marriage controversy in Kentucky

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Planting Peace, a progressive non-profit organization, erected a billboard on Friday in Morehead, Kentucky which targets Rowan County clerk, Kim Davis. Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious beliefs.

The attorney for Kim Davis appeared on CNN today, and said that Davis is "undecided" as to whether she will issue marriage licenses tomorrow. Davis seeks to work a deal where her name would be removed from the marriage licenses. Kim Davis has ZERO legal ground to stand on. For her to issue ultimatums to the State concerning having her name removed from the marriage licenses, should NOT be tolerated. There is no deal to make, and there should be no special treatment - issue the licenses, or find a new job.

MOREHEAD, Ky. Sep 13, 2015 - The non-profit organization, Planting Peace, pays to have a billboard erected in Kim Davis’ hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis objects to gay marriage on religious grounds.
MOREHEAD, Ky. Sep 13, 2015 - The non-profit organization, Planting Peace, pays to have a billboard erected in Kim Davis’ hometown of Morehead, Kentucky. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis objects to gay marriage on religious grounds.


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Paul Donohoe
Paul Donohoe
9 years ago

Really it is simple as you say Do your job or you are fired Astonishing to me that there is even a discussion