Sunday morning 4:04 am. A friend died this week, and important goals were relocated on my map of life. We have lots of firewood, lots of food, and lots of love in the house. I’m not sure how much life…

Documenting the Human Experience
Dominion voting machines are extremely secure, and the 2020 election results were extremely accurate. To “believe” otherwise, is a test of your mental health. If you “believe” the 2020 election was stolen, you are truly an idiot who has surrendered…
By the light of one candle I can see all of eternity dancing across the reflection in my lover’s eyes. Whisper gently of these secrets that we share between us, here and now, by the light of one candle.
By the light of one candle I can clearly see the shortcomings of my soul.
There are major problems with the study Tom used… The blacks in Germany had already passed an IQ test to get into the US military. Thus, they do not reflect the general black population. About thirty percent of blacks failed…
I went for a visit yesterday to see old Sol. We have been friends for eight years now. When I first moved here, his station would be full of old men talking. The station was always full of life. These…
Our cities have crumbled and the farmland has been sold off to pay the rent… The factories have all closed and the prison is overflowing. Simon and Garfunkel hate each other, and Jesus just left Chicago…
Oz never did give nothin’ to the tin man that he didn’t already have.